Peptic ulcers are ulcers that develop in the acidic areas of the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of the symptoms of this disease can be easily reduced by some changes in your diet. Here are some tips for planning a diet, which help subdue the symptoms of peptic ulcer.
Peptic ulcers are associated with abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting. In some people, food does not trigger the symptoms, while in others, certain foods can cause an excessive acid production, which results in abdominal pain and heartburn. Some changes in dietary habits cannot cure the disease, but can help provide some relief.
People affected by peptic ulcers should change their eating habits and avoid certain food items, that may irritate the ulcer and trigger the symptoms. Following are some suggestions for reducing the intensity of the symptoms caused by peptic ulcer.
Instead of 2 or 3 heavy meals, eat 5 to 6 small meals, which facilitate easy digestion.
You should chew the food properly and try to eat slowly.
Rest a little after having food, but don't lie down for at least one hour.
Always try to eat your food three hours before bedtime. Food taken immediately before going to bed, can cause excessive acid secretion in the stomach.
Avoid food items that aggravate the symptoms of peptic ulcer. Pickles, fried and greasy food, tomato and its products like ketchups and sauces, and spicy food should be avoided.
Cut down or stop alcohol consumption and smoking. Both can delay the healing of a peptic ulcer.
Avoid chocolates, carbonated drinks, cola, coffee and food items with caffeine.
Always try to maintain a low fat diet and avoid dry fruits, berries, citrus fruits and their juices and foods with high sodium content.
Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables and replace heavy meats with soy products. Lean meat and fresh fish can be taken in a moderate amount.
Go in for low-fat milk and dairy products. Skimmed milk, nonfat yogurt, and low-fat cheese are allowed.
Avoid using aspirin or medicines containing aspirin. Some other drugs like ibuprofen, Advil, and Aleve can cause ulcers or delay in the healing of ulcers. Take medicines as per the advice of your doctor and avoid self-medication.
Antacids should be taken as per the prescribed dosage and at the stipulated time.
Above all, water is very important for the human body. Drink plenty of water, which may quicken the healing.
You can plan your diet accordingly and achieve some positive results in reducing the symptoms of peptic ulcer. You can have any fruit, like bananas, mangoes, papaya, musk melon, figs and milk as your breakfast. Rice or whole wheat bread with boiled vegetables would be perfect for lunch. The dinner should be light, like fruits, cooked vegetables and whole wheat bread. You can also have a mid-morning snack of any fruit or vegetable juice or coconut water and a mid-afternoon snack of a few dates and low-fat milk. You may include some peanuts, peanut butter, beans, apples and carrots in your diet in a moderate quantity.
Even though a change in diet cannot cure peptic ulcers, it can play a very important role in the healing process. The diet should be balanced, so as to provide the required amount of nutrients, without irritating the body. The diet should also help to neutralize the gastric acid produced and control its production. Hence, a dietary change can assure you of some relief from the symptoms caused by peptic ulcer.
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