Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Allergy Remedy - Nature Cures and Diet Tips

Allergy Remedy - Nature Cures and Diet Tips

There are many effective allergy remedies that can be helpful in reducing allergy symptoms. Controlling the air quality, taking natural supplements and focusing on eating the proper foods is the natural first step to take.

Improving Air Quality

Although it is tempting to jump straight to using natural remedies and supplements, it is essential that a person suffering from allergies review their home environment. Poor air quality in the home can exacerbate allergies and make the symptoms worse.

The use of a HEPA filter air cleaner can be essential for those with symptoms such as itchy and watery eyes and nose, sinus congestion and sneezing. A HEPA filter will trap practically all significant allergy-causing substances that float in the air. These include skin cells that come off your skin constantly, animal dander, dust and pollen.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Allergies of the Eyes

Allergies of the eyes, while not a severe problem, can cause significant disturbances in our daily lives. To know more about eye allergies, and how to treat them, read on....

The eyes are considered to be the most delicate organs in the body. They are protected by defense mechanisms such as eyelids, eyelashes, and the conjunctiva or the covering of the eyeball. In spite of all these protective measures, they are prone to attacks of some airborne allergens. Eye allergies are considered to be a major part of eye problems, affecting approximately more than 40 million Americans.

Like all types of allergies, eye allergies are excessive reactions of the immune system to foreign materials, which may otherwise not cause any harm. For people who do not suffer from any allergies, the response of the immune system following an exposure to an allergen is under control, and hence it produces no or few symptoms. In the case of individuals suffering from allergies, the reaction of the immune system induces a release of inappropriate, high-quantity chemical mediators, the most common being histamine, responsible for allergic symptoms. A reaction that has an adverse effect on the conjunctiva is usually known as allergic conjunctivitis.

Allergies and Today

Allergies and Today

This article talks about the relationship of the current food product processing and the rise of allergies.

Today, the cases of allergies have a significant increase over the past years; it is more prevalent nowadays. Many have thought that this might be the effect of globalization on how foods are being processed. Moreover, allergies are most likely linked to be playing a major role in several diseases and condition that could be tapped by a simple regimen to a complicated medical intervention. Allergies, as we all know is an immune system disorder in which it takes form by hypersensitivity. Common symptoms of this are sneezing, itching that takes in a form of hives or eczema and coughing but we should always watch out of it life-threatening symptom and that is bronchoconstriction.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Allergies and Dust Mites: Get the facts about Allergen-Impermeable Encasements

Allergies and Dust Mites: Get the facts about Allergen-Impermeable Encasements

Over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies and one of the main allergy triggers is dust mites and other micro toxins that live in mattresses and pillows. This article provides an explanation of the best methods for keeping dust mites out of your bedding.

It is estimated that over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, and of that number approximately 30 million American suffer from asthma. While there can be many different allergic triggers that cause respiratory allergies and asthma, one such allergic toxin naturally occurs in every bed and pillow, dust mites. Not only do dust mites and their droppings cause symptoms such as red itchy eyes, sinus irritation and breathing difficulties, they can also lead to a full blown asthma attack, even worse during the time your body is trying to rejuvenate itself, while you sleep. It is well documented that a disproportionate percentage of asthma attacks that result in fatality occur during the hours we typically sleep, 12am to 6am. This is a direct result of allergens, dust mites and their droppings, and other micro toxins which build up over time in our mattresses, pillows, box springs, and duvets.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Active Listening Skills Exercises

Listening is an integral part of any relationship - professional or personal. So it would do us great to have some active listening skills. The following article will help to explain some very essential active listening skills exercises.

'He/she just won't listen!' How many times have you heard couples lament about this? Countless...right? I'm sure you have. But why stop at couples? If you look at the finer threads of society, you will find that 'not listening' is most often the bone of contention in most relationships. No matter if it's employee-employer or mother-daughter or like I mentioned, a couple that is romantically involved. So, why is it necessary to have active listening skills? For the simple reason that lending a ear to someone, makes the person feel wanted and important, and that leads to a person becoming closer to the other.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Allergic to Dogs - Symptoms

Allergic to Dogs - Symptoms

If you are allergic to dogs, symptoms may include stuffy nose and runny eyes, or skin rashes, or both. This information will help you understand the condition better...

It is terrible to be a dog lover who is allergic to dogs. However, even if you aren't a dog lover but live in the US and have a dog allergy, where there are about four pets for every 10 people, life is still not easy. The stuff you are allergic to (dander) is almost everywhere, including places where a canine has never been. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, there are detectable levels of pet dander are in every home in the U.S!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Allergic to Alcohol

Allergic to Alcohol

Do you feel that you cannot tolerate alcohol? Well, it would mean that you are allergic to alcohol. The next question obviously is can you be allergic to alcohol? Yes, you can. Scroll down to know more.

A person is said to be alcohol tolerant when his/her body responds well to the ethanol present in alcohol. This means that the person can become sober faster, after the alcohol consumption and develops a resistance from becoming dependent on alcohol i.e. can resist alcoholism. Alcohol intolerance is just the opposite. Those people who face problems after the consumption of alcohol are said to be allergic to alcohol. Is it possible to be allergic to alcohol? Yes, it is. Read the below paragraphs to know more about it.

Allergic Reactions from Insect Bites

Allergic Reactions from Insect Bites

Allergic reactions due to insect bites, rarely occur. Those who have a sensitive skin are susceptible to these reactions. To know about the symptoms and how to treat severe allergic reactions from insect bites, read on...

Although insects are small, their sting or bite can be painful and cause allergic reactions. Stings of insects like honeybees, wasps, can trigger an allergic reaction. However, in most cases, people do not experience allergic reactions from insect bites. Bug or mosquito bites are annoying but rarely do they cause any harm. A bee sting is a nuisance, but occasionally can lead to fatal problems.

Monday, January 16, 2012

All About Genital Warts - Causes, Treatments and More

All About Genital Warts - Causes, Treatments and More

Soft, wart like growths on the genitals or the areas surrounding them are caused by virus and known as genital warts. They are a type of sexually transmitted infection (STI). Human papilloma virus (HPV) is responsible for genital warts. More than 100 types of HPV are known to exist out of which several cause genital warts, which can be found on the vulva, vagina, cervix, anus, larynx, and the penis.

What causes genital warts?

Genital warts are caused when HPV infects the top layer of the skin. Warts are highly contagious and can be caused by sexual contact with an infected person. More than 60% of people who have sexual contact with infected people develop warts. Usually, these warts develop in around three months after the person is infected but in certain cases, the person may not notice any symptoms. Recent studies have shown that more than 10% of English women have already been infected with one or more strains of the HPV before the age of 16.

Friday, January 13, 2012

All About Genital Herpes - Nature, Types And Treatment

All About Genital Herpes - Nature, Types And Treatment

Genital herpes, an infectious disease has been discussed. Its types, areas that can be affected, signs and symptoms and treatment of the genital herpes have also been discussed at length.

Genital herpes is a very common and highly contagious disease caused by a virus. One of the unique features of genital herpes is the fact that carriers don’t display any symptoms of an active infection, but can still transmit the disease.

What are genital herpes and its various types?

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the reason behind genital herpes. There are two types of genital herpes namely HSV-1 and HSV-2 and the latter is the prime cause of this infectious disease. HSV-1 gives rise to what are known as 'fever blisters', which typically appear in and around the mouth. In a limited number of cases the infection of HSV-1 can cause genital herpes. Direct contact with an infected person spreads genital herpes. One of the most common methods responsible for the spread of this infection is sexual intercourse and/or oral sex. But, any and every kind of skin-to-skin contact can spread genital herpes too.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All About Foot Cream: Skin Care, Credibility, Reviews

All About Foot Cream: Skin Care, Credibility, Reviews

If you want to be entirely presentable with your looks, then you don’t need to just take care of your body parts that are mostly exposed. Caring for the feet is very important if you really want to be meticulous with your looks.

Having ugly feet is almost the same as having an ugly face. No matter how refreshing and clean you may look like, if you have feet like a dessert traveler without shoes then your appearance grade will still go down to zero. Beauty is not just about taking care of your facial appearance. You need to take care of other parts of your body too.

This situation perfectly applies on our feet. Not everyone appreciates the importance of skin care for this body part because they are not mostly exposed unlike our legs, arms, and faces. However, the truth is that this confinement is exact same reason why we should provide extra attention on them because they can easily develop skin diseases what with the inadequate air circulation and constant moisture they are exposed to.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Alcoholism Abuse Treatments

Alcoholism Abuse Treatments

Alcoholism Abuse Treatments Will Help You Regain Control

When you have a problem with alcoholism abuse, it is good to know what treatments there are and that you can be helped to overcome your problem. Alcoholism abuse is not a new problem and is not something unique to any one culture or region. Throughout time people the world over have struggled with alcoholism. The good news is that millions of those trying to quit are successful and you can be part of that number. The hard thing can be finding that one treatment that will work for you. While millions may have success, there are those who need something else. The key is to keep trying until you find that one method that works.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Alcohol test

Alcohol test

There is a new option for those who want a drink without risking your life or that of others.

This is Responsible Consumption Modules or breathalyzers that a little less than two months have been installed in several places to party in Medell?n.

With just enter an amount of money that ranges between 500 and 1,000 pesos, a person can blow through a straw and know what level dealcohol in your body.

Inspired by a painful family experience and motivated by a concern to help save lives, Juan David Giraldo, manager of Breath of Life, brought these machines to Colombia, the only Latin American country, he said, has this technology.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Alcohol Free Wines

Alcohol Free Wines

The creation of alcohol free wine is revolutionary. Being similar to the traditional wine savor and aroma, this new alcohol free wine is more dietetic and may be even used while driving. Is that non-alcoholic wine completely freed from alcohol?

Some companies state that non-alcoholic wine is alcohol free. Calling a wine with abundantly reduced alcohol contents as alcohol free, seems confusing. If this really is true, then what exactly is alcohol free wine? But, depending on food and drink low of various countries, any drink with less than 0.05% of alcohol could be considered as non-alcoholic drink. This really is because of the fact that 0.05% of alcohol is just too minimum to make anybody drunk. To support this argument, we are able to say that most of the juices being sold in the marketplace also include this much alcohol. And all those juices are very much safe while pregnant and driving.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alcohol Disease Risks

Alcohol Disease Risks

Alcohol Disease Risks You Should Be Aware Of

There are many social and mental problems associated with alcoholism, but there are also alcohol disease risks that can cause severe short-term or long-term conditions if left untreated. There are risks to the heart, as well as an increased risk of cancer. There are problems that affect one's blood sugar levels. The liver can be effected and reproductive systems may be hurt as well as several other complications. All of these conditions are preventable by abstaining from alcohol or decreasing the amount that is consumed.

The heart is affected in several ways when alcohol is abused. One may become afflicted with cardiomyopathy with is an inflammation of the heart and prevents it from working as it should. Alcohol abuse will also bring about what is known as "holiday heart" otherwise known as catrial fibrillation that is seen in an irregular heart beat in what is otherwise a normal and healthy body. It's usually associated with binge drinking. Hypertension or high blood pressure is also common.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Active Listening Skills

Active Listening Skills

Are you a good listener? Wondering how to develop active listening skills? Go through this article to find out more about active listening exercises.

Active listening skills are a very important aspect of communication. Be it a conversation with your client or business partners or communication with your family, not listening properly to the other person indicates a lack of interest and respect towards him/her. Those who resist the barriers to effective listening and have inculcated effective listening skills definitely come across as sincere people. This helps them steer clear of problems that often arises in relationships at workplace or in personal life. They surely climb up the ladder of success quickly. Are you a good listener? Wondering how to inculcate active listening skills? Here's some information on ways to inculcate effective listening skills.