Allergic reactions due to insect bites, rarely occur. Those who have a sensitive skin are susceptible to these reactions. To know about the symptoms and how to treat severe allergic reactions from insect bites, read on...
Although insects are small, their sting or bite can be painful and cause allergic reactions. Stings of insects like honeybees, wasps, can trigger an allergic reaction. However, in most cases, people do not experience allergic reactions from insect bites. Bug or mosquito bites are annoying but rarely do they cause any harm. A bee sting is a nuisance, but occasionally can lead to fatal problems.
Allergic reactions from insect bites differs from person to person. It can be a severe asthma attack or something like facial swelling. Bites from mosquitoes usually give rise to lumps and swelling that goes away within a day. These are localized reactions that do not need a visit to the doctor for treatment.
Bee stings often cause mild allergic reactions like redness, moderate swelling, pain, burning sensation, itching around the sting area. If left untreated, a severe allergic reaction is life-threatening and can affect your entire body within a short span of time causing severe damage to your health.
Allergic Reactions from Insect Bites: Severe Symptoms
If a person has an allergic reaction from an insect sting, he may experience the following symptoms:
Swelling in the throat or face
Anxiety and restlessness
Difficulty in swallowing
A rash that spreads beyond the sting site.
Rapid pulse
Difficulty in breathing
A severe allergic reaction, also known as anaphylactic reaction, is uncommon. As the reaction spreads within minutes, urgent medical attention is required. If emergency treatment is delayed , it can cause unconsciousness and even cardiac arrest. Symptoms like nausea, diarrhea and intestinal cramps have also been observed.
Spider bites are harmless, however, in the case of the black widow spider, the bite can be dangerous. In some cases, after the spider bites, blisters may appear on the skin. If proper treatment is not given, it can lead to scarring and skin damage. Spiders such as the brown recluse and the black widow are poisonous and their venom causes a severe allergic reaction that can spread throughout the body. The person may even die, if he is not treated carefully.
Allergic Reactions from Insect Bites: Treatment
The main goal of the treatment is to reverse the allergic sting reaction and prevent any serious side effects. When an insect stings or bites, it can cause pain. To get relief, you should apply a cloth soaked in cold water or ice cubes on the affected area. Doctors often prescribe antihistamine tablets, as they can subside the swelling and itchiness. Hydrocortisone cream is also used to reduce the swelling. Calamine lotion can also help in this regard. For severe reactions, the doctor might use special medications (like antidotes), so that the venom does not spread to other body parts. If you are prone to allergic reactions from insect bites, then it is necessary to keep a self-administered epinephrine kit in the house. Before going to the doctor, you can use this self-care kit immediately after an insect bite.
Allergic Reactions from Insect Bites: Prevention
The best way to prevent allergic reactions from insect bites, is to avoid being stung. Following are the precautionary measures that can be taken:
Apply an effective insect repellent.
Do not sleep without a mosquito net.
Wear long trousers and sleeves when playing outdoors in the evenings.
Use proper pesticides to keep your house free from flea infestations.
Allergic reactions from insect bites are hazardous, but can be prevented. If you follow the above-mentioned tips, you can surely lessen the risk of insect bites.
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