A detoxification diet is critical to good health because our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxicity in our everyday lives. Changing the diet to a holistic one helps the body heal from this overload of toxins automatically. Detoxification dieting may not be easy, but if you make a strong commitment to yourself, you will reap the benefits in the end!
Detoxification has started to gain popularity, not just in the United States, but around the world as well. One of the reasons why it has gained so much popularity is because of the benefits that go along with the detoxification process.
What is Detoxification?
Detoxification is the process of ridding the body of harmful and destructive toxins, impurities, and pollutants. Detoxification involves; 1) getting the tissues to release toxicity, and 2) ensuring its elimination to the outside. The second part of the equation is the most important of all, as you may be unleashing years of accumulated toxins that have been "safely" tucked away in your body’s blood, tissues, and organs.
With increased stress, poor diet, and environmental pollutants at an all time high, detoxification is the key to good health in our modern day lives. Since overload of toxins in the body is the underlying cause of several diseases, ridding the system of these dangerous chemicals is bound to be the most effective route towards long lasting health.
There are many ways to detoxify the human body - from regular exercise to body scrubs and spa massages, to foot patches, yoga and meditation. However, the simplest and the most common is to go on a detoxification diet.
Why A Detoxification Diet?
A Detoxification diet is critical to good health because our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxicity in our everyday lives. Most people can't avoid everyday pollutants altogether, but they can take steps to protect their health using a healing diet. Detoxification diets have been used since ancient times and they can regularly help to improve your health and make you feel better. Detoxification diets are designed not only to allow our body to rid itself of the toxic matter buildup, but to lose weight as well.
The body is constantly in a natural state of detoxification, but that is not enough. Changing the diet to a holistic one helps the body heal from this overload of toxins automatically.
In general, moving from an acid-generating diet to a more alkaline one will aid the process of detoxification. An important part of a detoxification diet should include consumption of water, herb teas, fruits and vegetables, vegetable juices, and unrefined sea salt.
Does Fasting Assist A Detoxification Diet?
Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy. Fasting means to abstain from food, or to eat very little or abstain from a certain type of food. Some detoxification diets include fasting. Fasting also helps remove toxins out of your joints and shifts them back into your digestive tract where they can be eliminated.
Fasting should never be undertaken without a proper understanding of its procedures. Because the body has a natural anti-oxidation system, long-term changes to the diet should always include a balance of the nutrients needed for the sustenance of the human body - carbohydrates, protein, unsaturated fat, vitamins, minerals and water. The same is advisable for any diet, cleansing or otherwise, in order to maintain optimal health.
How Can You Jump-Start Your Detoxification Diet?
Avoid environmental toxins wherever possible. Avoid processed, packaged or refined foods. Avoid eating excess fat, refined sugar and foods high in additives and preservatives. Eat moderate levels of protein (approximately 15% to 20% of your calories) and fat (approximately 20% of your calories), while increasing levels of complex carbohydrates (approximately 60% of your calories). Avoid storing and/or drinking water from plastic containers. Glass is best for storage.
Detoxification may not be easy, but if you make a strong commitment to yourself, you will reap the benefits in the end. The key is to find a detoxification diet that is right for you, and your lifestyle.
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