There is a natural compound that’s part of the food chain that’s cheap and plentiful and is the subject of intense medical research to prevent and provide relief for suffers of Alzheimer’s disease.
There is a natural compound that’s part of the food chain that’s cheap and plentiful and is the subject of intense medical research to prevent and provide relief for suffers of Alzheimer’s disease.
Let’s take a look at it. If you have not guessed what the natural prevention for Alzheimer's disease which we are referring its name may come as a surprise.
Its nicotine, however we are not recommending you smoke! You can get it in natural organic form where it is healthy and non toxic.
Organic Nicotine
Nicotine is actually part of the natural food chain of nature and most of us consume trace elements of it everyday in a number of common foods such as, chili peppers, cauliflower tomatoes and potatoes, as well as many teas.
Nicotine’s reputation is about to change
Nicotine has a bad reputation due to its association with smoking. However, it is some of the other 4,000 chemicals that are consumed in smoking that are the killers NOT nicotine.
Medical Evidence Natural Nicotine Is Good For You
Medical research into nicotine has shown it can improve concentration, attention and improve mood.
It is this affect on the brain that has led scientists to look at Nicotine’s potential preventing and providing relief for several conditions including Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer's disease occurs with the degeneration of various structures in the brain.
The development of amyloid plaques and neuro-fibrillary tangles then deficiencies of acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters occur as the disease takes hold.
Medical research indicates that nornicotine, produced when nicotine is absorbed into the body, can stop the formation of protein lumps or plaques, in the brain that are the cause of Alzheimer's disease.
It’s a fact that smokers are at far less risk of getting the disease than non smokers.
Relief for Sufferers
Nicotine can also be used to treat Alzheimer's disease when it has already occurred.
Tests have already been carried out on rats to show how nicotine can repair damaged memory cells.
Nicotine is believed to provide relief to Alzheimer's disease sufferers by attaching itself to the receptors of the brain.
Acetylcholine, a chemical important in learning and memory, is lost when people have the disease and this chemical is affected in a positive way when nicotine is taken.
Nature’s wonder drug
Nicotine also has potential to help with a number of diseases that include brain function including:
Depression, Parkinson’s disease and Schizophrenia.
New Drugs for sufferers
Drug companies are looking at creating nicotine drugs that are able to provide organic nicotine outside of cigarettes.
An Organic nicotine product is already on the market and it is simply organic nicotine in water with no other chemicals added.
Originally designed simply for smokers as an alternative for when they didn’t want to smoke or could not smoke, it is now taken by many non smokers for its potential health benefits and many new products look set to follow.
Nicotine an image change for the better
Nicotine has been seen by many as part and parcel of the evil of cigarette smoking but it is now being seen in a different light – As a natural compound with significant health benefits that is cheap and plentiful and can provide serious potential health benefits.
For more facts on nicotine and a new organic nicotine water with no added chemcials, please click here.
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