Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Types of Treatment Providers for Anxiety

When looking for help to treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), there are a variety of professional providers. Each type has a different training background, philosophy of treatment, and professional responsibilities. The following is a brief guide to help you determine who is right for you, and how you can tell the difference between providers.

A person must hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) and have a license in most states to be called a “psychologist”. They generally have the most intense training experience in delivering psychotherapy and other psychosocial interventions, and they work in a variety of settings from community mental health centers to private practice and hospitals. The main organizational body for psychologists is the American Psychological Association. Alprazolam Medication Without RX

A psychiatrist is a physician (M.D.) who completed medical school and specialized in psychopharmacology and mental disorders. They are the only practitioners on this list that prescribe medication, which is generally their focus on treatment. The main organizational body for psychiatrists is the American Psychiatric Association.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Subdural Hemorrhage And Hematoma : Causes | Symptoms | Treatment | Prevention Tips - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

In subdural hemorrhage blood leaks from vessels in the dura mater, the outermost of the three meninges, or membranous layersthat cover the brain. It differs from extradural hemorrhage in that the ruptured blood vessels are on the underside, rather than the outside, of the dura mater. Because these inner vessels are smaller than the outer ones, less blood is likely to leak out. The blood tends to seep quite slowly into the space between the dura mater and the arachnoid (the middle of the three meninges), and causes a hematoma, or collection of blood.Among eventual symptoms of subdural hemorrhage are drowsiness, confusion weakness or numbness down one side of the body, and persistent or recurrent headaches and nausea. During a period of days or weeks such symptoms may come and go, but they will gradually become worse.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Carbonated Drinks Reduce Number of Sperm

Men who consumed about a liter of soda every day can be harmful to their sex lives. Based on a study of Danish men who consume fizzy drinks can decrease the amount of excess production and sperm quality.

The results were found, the number of sperm a man who regularly drink soft drinks nearly 30 percent lower than those who do not. This discovery was revealed based on a Danish study examining the effects of soft drinks on men’s health.

However, this study also reap the controversy. According to World Health Organization, WHO, sodas are not much affect male reproductive health. Although men have low sperm counts slightly, they remain able to provide offspring.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tumors of The Outer Ear a€“ Treatment of Disease from Remedies Available - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Like all tumors, those of the outer ear may be either benign (unlikely to spread) or malignant (likely to spread and threaten life).On the visible ear, a benign tumor occurs as a painless wart. In the canal itself, it occurs as a hard growth of underlying bone tissue calA­led an osteoma. With an osteoma, there may be no symptoms at all, or an accumulation of wax, discomfort, and hearing loss.

Malignant tumors on the visible ear occur as warty growths, like benign tumors, or as ulcers or bleeding sores that fail to heal. Malignant tumors are like skin cancer. The cells multiply uncontrollably. They may bleed, and eventually become painful. Malignant tumors in the outer ear canal cause intense earache and bloody drainage.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Natural Way Of Avoiding Wrinkles

How can you prevent facial lines? Staying away from the sunlight is a common suggestion. But, we require some sunlight. Receptors within our skin’s cells create vitamin D when shown to Ultra violet rays of sunlight. Vitamin D is an essential antioxidant. Current surveys indicate that most folks don’t meet their standard daily requirements for the vitamin. The standard use of sunscreen is among the habits blamed for that deficiency.

Not enough sunlight is one of the causes of seasonal depressive problems. So, we have to have sunlight as a way to be happy and feel good. Nothing seems healthier than the usual warm ray of sunlight on a cold winter’s day. It is not basically the sun that does the impairment. It is a little molecule called the free radical. When free radicals are exposed to UV rays, they end up more active than normal. Their activity damages collagen fibers and cellular membranes. Eventually, if the damage is left uncontrolled, they can harm DNA strands, resulting in cellular mutations that could lead to the development of a cancerous cell or a wrinkle.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Skin Care products from Dermagist

If currently you're looking for a skin care product to help you taking care your skin, or to prevent aging signs to appear or even remove it from your skin, I believe you are aware that currently there are simply so many skin care products available on the market. And all of them claim to be the best solution for your skin care needs. Unfortunately, many of them can't really bring the results as promised. And if you are not choosing the product carefully you are probably risking your skin condition since maybe some of them contain risky ingredients that might dangerous for your skin.

The best way to choose the right products for you is by asking other people who already have the experiences regarding certain products. It will give you a good knowledge regarding the effectiveness of the product in bringing the result you want. And if you are currently still struggling finding the right skin care product, maybe you want to consider trying Dermagist skin care products. This brand brings various skin care solutions that I believe can provide the right product that can fulfill your needs.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Best Acne Cures

When you suffer from acne searching for top level acne cures can become an obsession. Ads for acne cures are everywhere. The shelves at the drugstore are filled with acne pills, products that promise to clear acne and teen acne, and even some topical ointments that promise they are natural acne cures. Many women’s magazines even devote scores of articles to home acne cures or even an acne diet. Actually, the best acne cures are often at your fingertips.

Facts acne is that anyone can get it. Teen acne is not a direct result what you eat, what you put on your face, or how clean you are. Do not feel bad about yourself if you suffer from acne. There was nothing that you did to cause it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cheap Acne Medicine

There are still millions of people in America who is not covered by health insurence. Most of them are unemployement. A research made in 2001 shows that 62 percents of personal bankruptcies caused by the high of medical expenses. This high cost of healthcare, has made the American suffer from the lack of complete medical treatment.

Therefore, even accutane, the acne medicine is now too expensive to be bought since cost of healthcare increase. Thus, this accurate medicine to remove acne seems to be a luxurious medicine. Because of this condition, individuals also tend to avoid consulting doctors which mean an extra expense for them. Good news heard from the online world, that there are some online shops that sell Accutane in a lower price. A report has been made that Accutane is effective in acne treatment with a few side effect. Some people have also put their attention to Herbal medicine, -as an alternative of the using of accutane- that will remove acne without any serious side effects.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Comparing Health Insurance Quotes

A great many of service providers occupy the market of health insurance industry and offer fancy health insurance quotes. Nevertheless, when the loss event occurs, they often retreat and leave the insured person without means, without support and without real help. A great disappointment, a financial chaos and deep depression are left to the insured individual. Did you buy all these with your health insurance policy?

You did not, I think. How to make a perfect choice comparing multiple quotes and options? And how online services can help you in this affair?

First of all you have to choose an authoritative service provider with good reputation if you want your estimates done well. Make sure that you deal only with those quote comparison web sites that cooperate with top health insurance companies. These insurers always think of their record, and your chance of getting correct quotes increases.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Overcome Insomnia

Sleep is an important part to the stability of one’s health.Unfortunately, sleep for some people it is not easy.There are difficult to sleep, frequent waking during sleep, or sleep only intermittently.Various sleep disorders are known as insomnia.

Almost everyone has experienced trouble sleeping problems.The cause, stress, pain in a certain place, or by drinking too much caffeine and alcohol.If only occasionally, insomnia is not caused problems, but if it happens again and again and in a long time, will cause serious problems.

Insomnia does not only affect the energy levels and mood, but also general health.Sleep can increase endurance.Lack of sleep, not only cause disruption endurance, but also disturbances of concentration.Disturbance of concentration can bring a fatal accident while driving or operating machinery.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aspirin Can Reduce Risk of Liver Damage

Millions of people experience problems with liver or other organs of the liver. To reduce the risk of liver damage, you can take a painkiller that is very famous, aspirin.

Researchers from Yale School of Medicine in the United States, revealed through experiments conducted on rats, aspirin can reduce the risk of death from overdose chemicals called acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol.

The researchers found aspirin can reduce the long-term liver damage due to several cases such as certain drug overdose. They believe that aspirin can do the same thing for this type of liver damage, caused by alcohol or obesity.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More Reasons Why Anyone Would Have Cellulite

There are so many different factors that play a part in anyone getting or having cellulite somewhere or in several places on their body. In this article I want to talk with you all some more about cellulite and the different things that could be the cause of it. Many people believe that anyone who has cellulite is strictly because they are overweight and I am here to tell you all that being overweight is not at all the only cause for cellulite. People who are worrying over their cellulite problem should know that it does not mean that they are fat, yes, in some cases that is another factor that could be the cause of the cellulite but not the only reason. Having cellulite is enough of a problem to drive the most sane person crazy right, we all know that. It is truly bothersome and for many it can create enormous anxiety.

Find Drug Rehab on Your Area

Addiction has been the new epidemic of our modern life. In the United States alone there are literally millions of people have addiction problem. Most are with drug and alcohol addiction problem. Without proper treatment addiction, both drug and alcohol, can really bring many negative effects to the life of the addicted people as well as the life of people around them. And the fact that this addiction can lead to various health problems pushes us to really pay attention on this matter.

And currently we can find a lot of rehabilitation centers across the country, which will be really helpful to help people who need to recover their life. However, while the choices are varies it is not a simple task to find the right rehabilitation center that fit our need. We also need to ensure that the rehab center can bring good results. If currently you are looking for a good rehabilitation center to help you or someone you love back to normal life, I believe this drug rehab information can be really helpful for you.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Affordable Health Insurance Coverage

The process of searching the affordable health insurance plan could be some type of the annoyance in the case you do not do your own research in the most effective manner. While searching for the low cost health insurance plan you will face with the enormous quantity of health insurance plans to choose from. Among them the following could be outlined - co-pay plan, traditional deductible plans and Health Savings Accounts (HSA). However, this benefit could be somewhat confusing just because of the glut of information that is available nowadays on the World Wide Web.

In this article I want to provide you with some general rules that could be helpful in searching the health insurance coverage that is affordable and complete.

Otosclerosis - Guide to Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

An abnormal growth of spongy bone can occur at the entrance to the inner ear and immobilize the base of the stirrup, a tiny bone through which sound waves pass into the inner ear. As a result, the stirrup cannot transmit some or all of the sound waves that enter the ear. This causes conductive hearing loss in that ear. In about 80 per cent of all cases of otosclerosis, both of the ears are affected, either the two at the same time or one after the other.

What are the Symptoms?

Without treatment, otosclerosis usually leads to a slow loss of hearing, eventually ending with total deafness in both ears within 10 to 15 years. In a few cases, usually in children, the hearing loss progresses much faster. In some other cases the hearing loss stops well short of deafness. For example, someone with the disorder may be able to hear loud speech and other loud sounds.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finding Info On Child Diabetes

Diabetes for kids is an especially major illness. This disease can be changed by taking medications like insulin and it can be controlled by maintaining a healthy way of life. However , it doesn’t erase the undeniable fact that this disease must be given treatment for life and without strict discipline and proper health maintenance, it can end up in various complications which can be life threatening. One should put into mind that caring for a child with diabetes is very important.

To start with, a parent whose child is suffering from diabetes must monitor the child’s blood sugar regularly. This implies to check the level of glucose numerous times for the whole day. Remember that monitoring the blood sugar varies depending on what sort of insulin a child has been taking in. Typically, for the regular kind of insulin, it’s best to observe the child’s glucose two to 4 hours after meals or at midday. It’s also critical to observe your child’s blood sugar before he goes to bed at night. By keeping an eye on the child’s blood sugar levels, you will be in a position to know what kind of treatment is the best for him and what’s the least useful. This will also help you and your kid to govern his blood sugar within the ordinary boundaries.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Canadian Pharmacies: Helps Save Money on Prescription Medication

Health and illness go hand in hand just like the hospitals and pharmacies. People need drugs and medication just as much as they need the advice of a doctor. The pharmaceutical companies have emerged as a big industry over the years. Pharmacies have now become a part and parcel of every man's life.

There are a number of pharmacies located in a given locality; however it's still a task going to the pharmacy to buy the medication that one may require on a daily basis. Such medication which is taken daily can be got in bulk and kept. Most of these medications are mostly prescription drugs and these are not easily available over the counter.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Does genetics play a role in smoking cessation?

Various studies conducted to find out if your genes make it difficult for you to quit smoking, have revealed that that is in fact the truth. Scientists have even discovered three genetic areas that are thought to be associated with your habit of smoking - one is considered to be linked to smoking initiation and one with smoking cessation. The third area, a variant on the chromosome 15, is related to heavy smoking; this is the area that contains the nicotine receptor genes and is related to nicotine dependence.

The findings were concluded by examining the phenotypes of 74,053 people. But the results of this study have yet to translate to a clinical setting. Through this study, the researchers are trying to come to a conclusion wherein the results can be used in the near future to predict the effects of different smoking cessation treatments on different people. But, until this becomes possible, all smokers should be encouraged to quit smoking by whatever means possible. Prescription drugs like Zyban and Chantix varenicline are known to play an important role in smoking cessation.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting Rid Of Acne Scars

After dealing with one pimple or perhaps years of acne breakouts, it may be unsettling to suffer from the residual scars. Numerous products make unsubstantiated claims that promise to share with you how to get rid of acne scars. The fact remains, there is not a magic product. What’s promising is that using a number of simple methods will allow you to to accomplish blemish free skin. It will take time, a little money and lots of patience, but the goal of having clear skin will be worth the cost. You will be able to select products from a number of companies as no one product works better than another.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tips On How To Find The Best Health Insurance

Everybody wants to have bread buttered on both sides. And you are a normal person too and do not want to take any risk with your health, so buying the best health insurance with the most acceptable options and quotes is of great importance for you. How can you get a reasonable health insurance plan which will meet your desires and cover your health needs?

At the beginning decide what type of health insurance you want to have. It is the first step in finding the most adequate health insurance quotes. There are managed health care plans that provide you some flexible choice for a low rate; medical plans, that give you protection in case of serious disease or accident, but leave your everyday health care costs on your own; medical savings plans, when you put aside money monthly to pay for your medical expenses; or traditional health insurance plans which cover most of your medical expenses when you meet your deductible.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sleep Problem

Does the food that we eat and the time at we eat our food have anything to do with our sleep? Can it effect our sleep in anyway? Yes, the food that we eat has direct impact on sleep. If you are one of those who likes to eat late in the night, then it's really a bad habit and that should be stopped. It is not good for your health. Try to eat at least 1-2 hours before you go for sleep. It is better to avoid drinks that have caffeine in it like coffee. Many of us have the habit of drinking a cup of coffee before bed. That should be stopped as well, you are not getting a good sleep or you are with sleep related problems.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More About Diabetes

Large number of people in the population are troubled with diabetes. And the amount is continuously growing. This condition related with many things and factors. The alterations of way-of life, seems to be one of the reason why these things happen. It seems that all the people always put their state in a hurry, chased by time and always move fast. They don't have any opportunity to just have a little time to relax, and enjoying a appropriate food. Instead of taking healthy food, they prefer to buy some junk food. This can be seen as a well-situated condition, on the other hand, this habit simply bad for your body.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Treat Your Sleep Problem

Experiencing sleep trouble can be brought about by numerous causes such as stress or by other medications. Sleep trouble are so prevalent that like many individuals around the globe is suffering from the similar signs and symptoms such as waking up through the nights or experiencing a hard time falling asleep. Did you know that we actually dedicate one third of our existence for regeneration and healing of our body. By not having sufficient sleep, this can lead to some serious problems for our well being. There’s quite a few approaches that you simply can enhance your sleep and depending on the urgency of one’s sleep problem.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Find Suitable Health Insurance Quotes

There are a number of online health insurance quotes sources. They usually do not sell insurance directly; they just help consumers to find the most suitable medical insurance, which is low-cost and available.

Nowadays it is possible to find agents in your region or state and request quotes using free online service. When you request medical health insurance quotes from different competing agencies, you receive the possibility to compare options and at the same time you give a motive to agents to propose you the best terms and conditions.

A real distance from online medical insurance sites allows you to compare and buy the cheapest health plan. The sites may propose various insurance and make it possible for you to parallel the plans, but they earn money no matter what health insurance you choose, as they are not direct providers. Their only aim is to provide you as much true information and sources as possible, so that you can easily find the most suitable health insurance quotes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms

Diabetes type 2 is a chronic disorder which is caused due to high concentration sugar in the cell membranes. When a person acquires diabetes type 2 then that person's body stops reacting to insulin. Insulin is really necessary to transport glucose into the cells. That glucose is stored in the cells and is used later for energy. In case of diabetes type 2 the body cells resists insulin and as a result the body ca not get the glucose and thus no energy.

The glucose that can not get inside the cells and be used by the cells starts accumulating in the blood. This continues until it reaches a high level. The pancreas produces more and more insulin but it is never possible to meet the body's need in this condition.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Best Antibiotic for Oral Infections - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, Vincent's angina

What are these Conditions?

Stomatitis in an inflammation of the oral tissues that may include the inside of the cheeks, lips, and palate. It is a common infection that can be part of some other disease. There are two main types, called acute herpetic stomatitis and aphthous stomatitis. Acute herpetic stomatitis is usually self-limiting, but it can be severe. In newborns, the infection can spread and is potentially fatal. Aphthous stomatitis usually heals spontaneously, without a scar, in 10 to 14 days. Other oral infections include gingivitis, periodontitis, and Vincent's angina.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Diabetes type 2 Cure - A Detailed Study

Diabetes type 2 is a type of disorder which hampers the normal functioning of the body organs. But diabetes type 2 is curable. But before proceeding on diabetes type 2 cure we should first understand how diabetes type 2 is caused.

There are some myths surrounding the causes of diabetes type 2. First we should clear them. It should be always remembered that diabetes type 2 is not caused only by gaining weight. Obesity may be one of the factors causing diabetes but it is not the major and one and only factor. People generally have this idea that obesity causes diabetes because most people who have diabetes are fat. This happens because the things which are responsible for causing diabetes, they are also responsible for causing obesity.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Causes of Diabetes Type 2

Type 1 and Type 2 are the two different types of diabetes that is very commonly found. The diabetes that occurs in children is mainly called Type 1 diabetes whereas the diabetes that occurs in adults is known as Type 2 diabetes. This type 2 diabetes also occurs in children but it is a very rare case. It occurs when a baby is born pre matured, or has suffered from malnourishment.

One of the causes of diabetes type 2 is a malfunction of a body. Pancreas in our body produces a special fluid which is called Insulin. The liver on the other hand secretes glucose. There are some cells in our body which are supposed to absorb the insulin. When these particular cells creates a problem and are not been able to absorb any more insulin there causes a major problem. The pancreas does not stop secreting insulin. Even the liver carries on producing glucose. Now this is really serious as after a certain period of time this body organs especially the pancreas stops working properly. It reaches a saturating level after which it does not produce insulin anymore. This is the main biological cause behind diabetes.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Some Ideas on Diabetes Prevention

Any kind of disease creates an emotional turmoil. It creates a lot of disturbances in your life. Your work gets affected, your personal life, in fact everything turns upside down if you get affected by something really serious. So it is really necessary for all of us to take good care of us and also care for all those who really matters in our life.

Diabetes is a disease which can affect any one at any point of time. Precautions should be taken at a very early stage for preventing diabetes. It is a life-long disease. Many people make a blunder by not taking this disease very seriously. It may even cost your life, or may take away your vision. It is not something anyone would desire for so it is a better option for to opt for diabetes prevention.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Diabetes Type 1 Cure

Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health work for bringing out methods for diabetes type 1 cure. They are researching for the cure of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They regularly check that their experiments are used on people suffering from diabetes and the results that are obtained from the experiments are further modified for betterment. They think that if the researches that they do are not tested on people with diabetes type 1 then their research is totally wasted.

Some of the approaches that are taken for type 1 diabetes cure are as follow-

Diabetes type 1 is often treated with insulin replacement. This is a very common method. Most diabetes type 1 patients use this method for diabetes type 1 cure. The method is along with a proper diet meant for diabetes type 1 patients this insulin should be injected into the body of the patient. The insulin injection should be taken immediately after you have your food. As the food transforms into glucose in the small intestine and is absorbed by the blood stream, this artificial insulin helps the glucose to get inside the cells to be transformed into energy or stored for later use.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Short glance on the diabetes type 1 symptoms

Diabetes can be classified into two forms. One is known as Type 1 diabetes, the other one is called Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is most commonly found in kids and Type 2 diabetes is generally found in adults. Type 1 diabetes is generally gained by the kid through hereditarily. Physical disorder may also help to form this deadly disease.

There are several symptoms through which one can understand if someone is suffering from Type 1 diabetes. Some of the Type 1 diabetes symptoms are listed below:

· The most common symptom that is found in most cases is going for urination for an extreme number of times. This excessive urination is really important as it might also be an indication of some other severe disease.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Diabetes Type 2 – All You Need to Know About It

Diabetes is of two major types - diabetes type 2 and diabetes type 2. in this article we are going to talk about diabetes type 2. Diabetes type 2 was formerly thought to be a disease of the aristocrat. People thought this particular disease only affects the rich people. But they were wrong. This disease is not concerned about the boundaries of social status, color or race. It affects all irrespective of any such difference. Anyone and everyone can fall in the trap of Diabetes type 2 if he or she is not careful enough to stay away from it.

Diabetes type 2 is basically a metabolic disease. A person who is suffering from diabetes type 1 has high sugar levels in his blood and urine. It changes the metabolism process of the body and which in turn causes malfunctioning of the vital organs of the body like the heart, the kidneys, the eyes and the brain. It increases the chances of stroke in the body. A person can have a heart stroke within 5 years of acquiring this disease. Earlier it was thought that only old men and women got infected by diabetes type 2 but now it has been proved that even children and young people can have this disease. Diabetes type 2 doesn't even judge the age bar.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Through Diet and Physical Exercise

The best type 2 diabetes treatment is through diet and physical exercise. Diabetes type 2 treatment has two goals- the short time goal is lowering the blood glucose level where as the long term goal is to put a stop to the complications related to diabetes type 2.


A person suffering from diabetes type 2 should be in close contact with their doctors and physicians and dieticians. They should ask for a diet chart from their dieticians which should be specifically made for type 2 diabetes patients. Diabetes type 2 patients should eat every day at the same time i.e. they should be very consistent about the time of having their food. They should not eat after a long break or every hour. The patients should also be very careful about the kinds of food they eat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Foot Care for Diabetic

Diabetes is a malfunction of body organs that result in the failure of the body to absorb glucose from blood, to be absorbed by the cells and burned as energy for our daily life activity. The high blood sugar level that stay on the blood have the , effect on the body system and organs, not to be mentioned the nerve and circulatory system on the lower part of the body.

In other words, this speed up the aging process of the lower part of the body ((peripheral vascular disease) and the absence of protection effect on foot and leg and failure to use the immune system to fight infection. This situation has different effect on every body with the same condition. Scientific research shows that a strict devotion to medical treatment together with a good exercise help to maintain the blood sugar level in an appropriate condition, thus it will prevent another complications.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Gain Some Knowledge About Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes is one of the two forms of diabetes that is commonly found in slightly aged people. Most people used to think diabetes is of only one form. But the truth is diabetes is of two major types- diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. Both these two types of diabetes occur due to the increase of glucose in the blood stream. In both the cases insulin plays an important role.

In case of type 1 diabetes the beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed which are responsible for the production of insulin. Hence in the absence of insulin the glucose produced by breaking down of the food you consume can not be transported to the cells. Thus the glucose gets stored in the blood and as a result increases the blood glucose level.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Do it yourself doctoring

A British bioethics centre has launched a new study, and is seeking input.

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is looking into whether at home testing and diagnostic services make the general practitioner, or family doctor, unnecessary.

Lead researcher Professor Christopher Hood, from the University of Oxford, said: "Cutting out GPs may sometimes be a good thing, providing us with convenience, privacy and control over our health."

"But there is not much regulation of these new services and we may be getting information that causes more harm than good."

Nuffield hopes to publish recommendations next spring to help people sort through such services and understand better how to use them.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crohn's Disease - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Regional enteritis, granulomatous colitis

What is this Condition?

Crohn's disease is an inflammation of any part of the digestive tract. The inflammation extends through the intestinal wall. Swelling caused by a blockage in the intestinal wall leads to inflammation, sores, narrowing of passages and, possibly, abscesses and fistulas (abnormal passages between body cavities).

The most common site is the end of the small intestine. It may affect nearby lymph nodes as well as the membrane that holds the small intestines. Mild cases are relieved by changes in diet and lifeA­style.

What Causes it?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Glow in the dark monkeys

Dubbed a "biomedical supermodel" by the journal Nature, a genetically modified monkey that glows in ultraviolet light has been developed by a team of Japanese researchers.

But it isn't the "Victorian freak show" qualities of the research that has scientists so excited. It's the potential for the breakthrough to help with future medical research.

That's because -- unlike past glow-in-the-dark primates -- these marmosets were able to pass their modification on to their offspring. That means scientists may be able to develop monkeys that have been genetically modified to have human conditions. This would make them ideal for medical research.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The ethics of death

Partly as a follow up to the saga of Kaylee Wallace at Toronto's Sick Kids Hospital and partly because I have been thinking about the issue for a while, I wrote a couple of stories published in the Toronto Star today looking at death, how we handle it and how we define it.

Dead is dead, except when it's not.

"Death used to be a little more self-evident," says Kerry Bowman, a medical ethicist specializing in end of life issues at the University of Toronto's Joint Centre for Bioethics.

"Today, you're dead when the doctor says you are."

Deciding when somebody is dead or about to die is quickly emerging as one of the top ethical issues in medicine today as technology makes it increasingly possible to keep people alive who would otherwise have died not so long ago.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tortured ethics

In the wake of new revelations about Bush-era torture of terrorism suspects, the American Medical Association has written a letter to US President Barack Obama telling him that the use of doctors in torture violates basic medical ethics.

Any involvement by physicians in torture is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as a healer. Such involvement would violate core ethical obligations of the medical profession to “first, do no harm” and to respect human dignity and rights.

These core principles are enshrined in the Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the codes of other professional medical organizations throughout the world. Our AMA Code forcefully states medicine’s opposition to torture or coercive interrogation and prohibits physician participation in such activities. Our Code calls on physicians to support victims of torture, to report the use of torture, and to strive to change situations in which torture is practiced. At stake are the rights and well-being of individuals, the integrity of medicine, and society’s trust in the profession.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Being a middle aged guinea pig

For anyone who has ever been tempted to participate in a health study -- or wondered about those who do take part -- it might be worth reading the Booster Shots medical blog at the LA Times.

The blogger, Rosie Mestel, takes readers through her experience being interviewed as a control subject for a cancer study.

A few weeks back, I came home to find a letter stuffed in my mailbox explaining that a group of researchers was seeking an adult woman to match against another individual in the neighborhood who'd had a cancer diagnosis. As far as I could figure, it was an epidemiology study in which they make lots and lots of similar matches and try to tease out lifestyle and other factors that may have a bearing on cancer risk.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The ethics of baby Kaylee's life

With the chance of little Kaylee Wallace donating her heart to Lillian O'Conner, as had been hoped earlier this week, now seemingly passed, the ethical debate has taken off in earnest.

In a story in today's Toronto Star, I look at the ethics of transplants, and why donors and recipients are generally not known to one another.

"The death of one person needs to be separated from the need of an organ in another person," Bowman says. "Our system is going to be an ethical mess if we allow one to pull the other."

Linda Wright, director of bioethics at University Health Network, says allowing the families of dying patients to decide where organs will go would mean that some deserving patients may be left out.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Picking who gets your baby's heart

Lillian O’Connor is one month old, and won't survive without a new heart. Kaylee Wallace is two months old, and due to a brain condition, won't survive once she is taken off a ventilator.

Their story has raised a number of ethical concerns.

They are in the same hospital, Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. Their parents heard each others' story, and Kaylee's parents offered their girl's heart to Lillian.

Kerry Bowman, an ethicist with the Joint Centre for Bioethics, called that a wonderful human gesture, but can't be done.

Bowman, quoted frequently on this case in the media, worries that such promises put us on a slippery slope, by connecting the death of one person to the survival of another. It's a small step from there, he warns, to saying that since the donor will die anyway, why not allow euthanasia to speed up the process?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lesbians denied medical care

A lesbian couple is taking a Winnipeg doctor to the Manitoba Human Rights Commission and to the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Manitoba alleging they were denied care because of their sexual orientation.

The story broke earlier this week, and I was able to weigh in on it for today's Toronto Star.

The case, it seems, is another example of conflicting religious and cultural rights. We can probably expect more in the future, especially as we import doctors (and other professionals) to make up for shortages here, the head of the college says.

How we handle such issues may well determine the kind of society we will have.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Obama pledges to "restore science to its rightful place"

For stem cell scientists watching the inaugural speech of US President Barack Obama, the words they've waited almost eight years to hear came about a third of the way in.

"We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise healthcare’s quality and lower its cost."

Obama did not mention stem cell research specifically, but that line is well in keeping with promises he made during the election to restore federal funding to embryonic stem cell research, including this pledge to Science Debate 2008:

"As president, I will lift the current administration’s ban on federal funding of research on embryonic stem cell lines created after August 9, 2001 through executive order, and I will ensure that all research on stem cells is conducted ethically and with rigorous oversight."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Obama can expect a bioethics fight

Pro life lobbyists in the United States are pledging to not give up their fight against embryonic stem cell research despite pledges by US President Barack Obama, who took office yesterday, to open the door to funding the work again.

Faith-based blog Lifenews.com is reporting that pro life forces see an opportunity in Obama's musing that he might go to Congress to restore federal funding to embryonic stem cell research, rather than issuing an executive order as has been expected.

Citing the conservative Wesley J. Smith, who has his own blog, Lifenews says going to congress will give pro life groups time to "educate the president and the public" on the issue and alternatives to using embryonic stem cells in research.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The public's right to private information

The health questions surrounding Steve Jobs has sparked an ethical debate about the public's right to know when a public figure's health is failing.

When it turned out the founder and CEO of Apple computers was sick, Apple fans and investors got worried. In fact, Apple shares fell on the news.

Writing in the New York Times last week, business columnist Joe Nocera says Jobs has a responsibility to come clean with his health problems, if only to soothe investor worries and stop rumours from hurting the stock.

"Last week, he said he had a “hormone imbalance.” Now it’s “more complex” than that — whatever that means. If he really wants people to stop speculating about his health, as he claims, he sure has a funny way of dealing with it. Let’s be honest here: when you are a) a survivor of pancreatic cancer; and b) the world’s most charismatic, and possibly its most irreplaceable, corporate executive, putting out a press release announcing that your problems are “more complex” is only going to fan the flames, not douse them."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Anal Fissurea€“ Treatment of the Disease with Effective Remedies - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

An anal fissure is a cut or crack in the lining of the anus that extends to the sphincter muscle. A fissure at the back of the anus, the most common injury, occurs equally in males and females. A fissure in the front of the anus, the rarer type, is 10 times more common in females. The chance for cure is very good, especially with surgery and good anal hygiene.

What Causes it?

A fissure at the back of the anus results from passage of large, hard stools that stretch the rectal lining beyond its limits. A fissure at the front usually results from strain on the perineum during childbirth and, rarely, from scar tissue that narrows the passage. Occasionally, the fissure is caused by inflammation, anal tuberculosis, or cancer.

Book guides us into That Good Night

Here's something I didn't know until I read the latest book by Toronto-based magazine writer and Ryerson University instructor Tim Falconer, That Good Night: Ethicists, Euthanasia and End of Life Care:

The word Euthanasia comes from the Greek for "Good Death."

Leaving aside the question of whether I should have known the origins of the word euthanasia (today's schools aren't big on ancient Greek), it says a lot, I think, about how modern society has come to view death since this word was first coined.

In our society, post-eugenics and post Nazi-ism, the word euthanasia has much darker connotations than a literal translation would suggest. Today, it conjures up images of cruelty, designer babies and a world in which some people are ranked ahead of others (and other ranked as lesser beings).

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bioethicists to the rescue

The University of Toronto's Joint Centre for Bioethics seems to come up with an interesting topic for discussion every Wednesday afternoon at its weekly bioethics seminar.

Last week, for instance, one of its past students returned with a message that there’s a key role for bioethicists in the development of politically touchy race-based drugs.

Too often, the bioethicist turned lawyer said, such research is thwarted by fears of drawing a connection between genetics and race. That’s a tragedy, he says, because such medications could save lives in Canada’s native communities and the developing world.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Firm's consulting fees to be disclosed, not all pleased

Medtronic Inc. announced this week that it would voluntarily release how much it pays doctors in consulting fees -- the largest such company to do so.

"Through greater transparency about the nature of these relationships, we will help people better understand how important they are to developing life-saving and enhancing products for patients,'' Medtronic CEO Bill Hawkins said in a statement.

Not everyone is impressed, since the disclosure won't start for another two years.

Writing on blog.bioethics.net, Summer Johnson calls it Ethics: The Phased In Plan

Slow down there, Speed Racer! Don't go disclosing those dollar figures too quickly now! You wouldn't want to allow your company a whole two years to change your consulting amounts as to allow your company time to appear as though you didn't previously give massive amounts of cash to physicians who used and implanted your medical devices over those who did not, would you?

Friday, May 27, 2011

A doctor's responsibility to refer patients to better care

A thought-provoking column in the New York Times this week raises an interesting question.

What responsibility do doctors have to refer patients to other doctors, or other hospitals, where they might get better care.

For the author of the column, Denise Grady, the answer is obvious: they must refer the patient. The science reporter and author relates the story of a relative who sought cancer surgery outside the small town where she lived after her hometown surgeon told her she'd have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of her life.

"But she also recognized that this was a small hospital, and a surgeon who probably spent more time fixing hernias and taking out gallbladders than he did operating on cancer patients. She decided that she wanted a doctor who operated on patients like her all the time, and that the two-hour trip to a cancer center would be worth the trouble. And so it was: she found a surgeon who specialized in rectal cancer, and today she’s in good health, with no need for a bag. She might have done just as well with the local surgeon, but we both doubt it."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Obama, God and stem cells

U.S. President Barack Obama gave comfort last week to stem cell researchers in his country by repeating his commitment to ending Washington's ban on embryonic stem cell research.

"I guarantee you that we will sign an executive order for stem cells," Obama said in response to a question from Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) during a private meeting with House Democrats last Thursday.

That sort of comment doesn't leave much wiggle room, comfort for those scientists concerned that the new president hasn't already reversed the funding ban imposed by Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush.

Bush brought in his ban to preserve the sanctity of life, as he saw it, a reflection of his religious views.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vatican to look at stem cells

A Philadelphia scientist who caused a furor when he told a Vatican bioethics conference in late 2007 that embryos are human, but not human beings, has been invited back to explain his thoughts some more.

Scott Gilbert of Swarthmore College will travel to Rome next month to make his case. The Philadelphia Inquirer said Gilbert isn't sure why he's been asked back, given the reception he received last time.

Gilbert has studied for decades how humans and other animals make the journey from fertilized egg to baby. The conference, held in late 2007 in Rome, was meant to address the church's view on the beginning of life - a question with huge implications for abortion policy, emergency contraception, and stem-cell research. Gilbert, author of the popular college textbook Developmental Biology, said he was the only speaker to suggest that very early embryos were not equivalent to human beings. That led to lots of yelling and gesticulating in Italian, not all of which could be translated for him.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The kidney divorce

The disheartening case of a New York surgeon who wants the kidney he gave his soon-to-be-ex-wife -- or $1.5 million (US) in compensation -- returned to him has the caught the eye of medical ethicists.

Not the least because his demands seem to put a monetary value on human parts. Dr. Richard Batista says the $1.5 million reflects in part the value of the kidney he donated to Dawnell Batista in 2001, and he should be compensated for it.

Bioethics professor Steven Miles at the University of Minnesota, where the transplant in question took place, told his local paper that the case goes against very notion of organ donation.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Big Phamra and ghostwriters

Pharmaceutical giant Wyeth hired ghostwriters to counter mounting evidence that its hormone replacement therapy caused breast cancer, according to Congressional investigators in the U.S., who also released documents providing an unprecedented look into how ghostwriting works.

Iowa Republican Senator Charles Grassley has written letters to Wyeth and medical writing company Designwriteasking them to disclose payments made for journal articles and the activities of doctors recruited to put their names on them for publication. The letters are part of a continuing investigation by Grassley into drug industry influence on doctors.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rights complaint against hospital

The parents of a baby girl who died at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children have filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission, saying their daughter received inadequate care and that a do not resuscitate order was filed without their consent.

The Star's Emily Mathieu writes about the case in today's Toronto Star.

The parents of Annie Farlow – a 2-month-old who died at the Hospital for Sick Children in 2005 after receiving what her parents allege was inadequate care because of a genetic condition – are attempting to take their case to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

"I think every child regardless of their disabilities deserves a chance at life and if the treatment or surgery is not in their best interest, then they deserve a dignified, comfortable and peaceful death," said Annie's mother, Barb Farlow, yesterday outside a meeting to determine if their application for a hearing will go forward.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How Does Oxcarbazepine Works?

Type of Drug:

Anticonvulsant; drug used to treat a variety of seizure disorders.

How the Oxcarbazepine Product Works:

Oxcarbazepine prevents or reduces some types of seizures by controlling abnormal nerve impulses in the brain.

Uses of The Oxcarbazepine:

For use alone or in combination therapy for the treatment of partial seizures in adults with epilepsy and as combination therapy for the treatment of partial seizures in children 4 to 16 years of age with epilepsy.

Unlabeled Uses: Oxcarbazepine has been used for atypical panic disorder.


Do not use in the following situations: Allergy to oxcarbazepine or any of its ingredients.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Pseudomembranous enterocolitis is an acute inflammation that damages the tissue of the small and large intestines. It usually affects the mucus coating but may extend into submucosa and, rarely, other layers of the intestine. Marked by severe diarrhea, this rare condition is generally fatal in 1 to 7 days from severe dehydration and from toxicity, peritonitis, or perforation.

What Causes it?

The exact cause of pseudomembranous enterocolitis is unknown, but Clostridium difficile may produce a toxin that may playa role in its development. It typically strikes people weakened by abdominal surgery or those receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics. The infection begins suddenly with lots of watery or bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. Serious complications may follow this disorder, including severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, hypotension, shock, and perforated colon.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Felbamate Drug - How does Felbamate Works?

Type of Drug:

Anticonvulsant; antiepileptic.

How the Felbamate Product Works:

Felbamate acts on the central nervous system to decrease the frequency of seizures.

Uses of The Felbamate:

Felbamate is not indicated as a first-line antiepileptic treatment. Felbamate is recommended for use only in those patients who respond inadequately to alternative treatments and whose epilepsy is so severe that a substantial risk of aplastic anemia or liver failure is deemed acceptable in light of the benefits conferred by its use.

Felbamate is indicated as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial seizures with and without generalization in adults with epilepsy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some Benefits on Usage of Anticholinergics

How the Drug Works:

Parkinsonism is a neurological disease with a variety of origins characterized by tremor, rigidity, and disorders of posture and equilibrium. The onset is slow and progressive with symptoms advancing over months to years.

The group of drugs known as "anticholinergic agents" can reduce the frequency and severity of the symptoms of parkinsonism by restoring the chemical imbalance that causes Parkinson disease. The effectiveness of anticholinergics for parkinsonism is not dependent on the origin of the symptoms. These agents are typically used for milder cases of parkinsonism.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Uses and Benefits of Oxazolidinediones

Type of Drug:

Anticonvulsants; drug to treat epilepsy and seizures.

How the Drug Works:

To control absence act on central nervous system to decrease the frequency of seizures.


To control absence (petit mal) seizures that do not respond to other anti seizure medications.


Photosensitivity, sensitivity to sunlight, may occur. Therefore, use caution and take protective measures (eg, sunscreens, protective clothing) against exposure to ultraviolet light or sunlight until tolerance is determined.

Pregnancy: Reports suggest an association between use of anticonvulsant drugs by women with epilepsy and an increased number of birth defects in children born to these women. Other factors (eg, genetics or the epileptic condition) may also contribute to the higher incidence of birth defects. Most mothers receiving anticonvulsant medication deliver normal infants. Do not discontinue anticonvulsant drugs used to prevent major seizures. This could result in the occurrence of seizures and oxygen deficiency in body tissues and an increased risk to both the mother and the unborn child. In cases where seizures do not pose a serious threat, your doctor may recommend discontinuation of anticonvulsant's prior to and during pregnancy. It is not known whether even minor seizures constitute some risk to the developing embryo or fetus. Reports suggest that mother's use of anticonvulsant drugs, particularly illiterates, is associated with a blood clotting defect in the new bone that may cause a bleeding problem within 24 hours of birth. It has been suggested that vitamin K he given to the mother prior to and during deliver, and to the infant , immediately after birth.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Valproic Acid and Derivatives Drug Information

Type of Drug:

Anticonvulsant; drug used to treat epilepsy, seizures, and other conditions.

How the Drug Works:

Valproic acid prevents or reduces the number of seizures by controlling the abnormal activity of nerve impulses in the brain and central nervous system. Sodium valproate and divalproex sodium are converted to valproic acid in the body.


Used alone or in combination with other anticonvulsants to control simple and complex absence seizures (petit mal).

Used alone or in combination with other anticonvulsants to control isolated complex partial seizures or complex partial seizures associated with other types of seizures.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Working Procedure of Pergolide Mesylate - Uses and Benefits

Type of Drug:

Antiparkinson agent.

How the Drug Works:

Parkinsonism is a neurological disease characterized by tremor, rigidity, and disorders of posture and equilibrium. It has multiple causes. The onset is slow and progressive with symptoms advancing over months to years.

It is thought that the involuntary muscle movements (shaking) of Parkinson disease are due to reduced amounts of the chemical dopamine in the central nervous system (brain). Pergolide may exert its effects by directly stimulating the dopamine receptors in the brain.


To manage the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Used along with levodopa and carbidopa.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gold Compounds - How Does Gold Compounds Works?

Type of Drug:

Antirheumatic agents.

How the Drug Works:

The exact merchanism of action of gold compounds is unknown. They suppress or prevent joint swelling and retard cartilage and bone destruction, but do not cure rheumatoid arthritis.

Therapeutic effects from gold compounds occur slowly. Early improvement, often limited to reduction in morning stiffness, may begin after 6 to 8 weeks of treatment, but other beneficial effects may not be observed until after months of therapy.


To treat early active adult or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis not adequately controlled by other therapies (eg, NSAIDs).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ensure right bodily homeostasis and reduce weight with NV!

To maintain one’s physique is not an easy task in the days of increased work stress and junk food era. However who doesn’t desire to have a prom perfect body that exudes confidence? Well, your confidence is exactly proportional to your physical fitness. Your physical fitness goes hand in hand with your mental fitness. So, getting into shape leads to an amazing dynamism in a man or woman and make them presentable. That’s why weight loss programs have cropped up like never before.

But one cannot be casual before deciding which path to choose. There are more harmful ways that helpful ways. So getting professional advice always helps avoid blunders. However, certain weight loss regimes like NV are no doubt one of the best bets for those who want a combination weight loss therapy that brings out the best in them!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Diet pills those give money back guarantee!

Do you know any health care product that gives you money back guarantee? Well, there are really very few products that can guarantee you cent percent results. Especially in weight loss industry, such claims are rare, because most products are not designed in compliance with the users. The products that are safe may not be very effective for the users. But if you want perfect results with safety, you should go for products like nueslim!

It is the product that gives you money back guarantee. Well, you may say that there are many products that give you money back guarantee but let me tell you that there are not many products that will give you life time money back guarantee. But Nueslim gives you that because the manufacturers are very much sure of the outcome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Save yourself of tobacco related cancer: use volcano vaporizer for smoking!

Do you want to add fresh floral essence to the air you breathe? Well, who doesna€™t like the soothing fragrance of herbs that make us feel fresh all day long? But how should we achieve this without actually burning the herb? No need to worry. Here is the volcano vaporizer to turn your dream into reality. It will actively release the active ingredients of the herb into the air without creating harmful combustible waste.

This is the reason it is also used as a safer alternative to smoking. Anyway, smoking tobacco is harmful to health but if you smoke through vaporizer, it reduces the risk of developing cancer at a later stage. Though the fresh kicking smell of tobacco is preserved as it is, it does not yield tar or other toxic bi-products of combustion, thus minimizing the side effects of smoking.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Parkinsons Disease - Well known Causes and Symptoms - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What do doctors call this condition?

Parkinsonism, paralysis agitans, shaking palsy

What is this condition?

Named for James Parkinson, the English doctor who wrote the first accurate description of the disease in 1817, Parkinson's disease is a slowly progressive movement disorder that characteristically produces muscle rigidity, loss or absence of voluntary motion (akinesia), and involuntary tremors.

One of the most common crippling diseases in the United States, Parkinson's disease affects men more often than women, and strikes 1 in every 100 people over age 60. Because of increased longevity, this amounts to roughly 60,000 new cases diagnosed annually in the United States alone.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Postmenopausal Bleeding : Know The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this condition?

Postmenopausal bleeding is defined as bleeding from the reproductive tract that occurs 1 year or more after menstrual periods stop. Sites of bleeding include the vulva, vagina, cervix, and endometrium. Prognosis varies with the cause.

What causes it?

Postmenopausal bleeding may result from:


estrogen therapy - when excessive amounts are given or when small amounts are given in the presence of a hypersensitive endometrium.


internal estrogen production - especially when levels are high, as in persons with estrogen-producing ovarian tumors; however, in some persons, even slight fluctuation in estrogen levels may cause bleeding.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Make your loved ones happy with pearl jewelry! - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Are you hunting for a gift idea that will dazzle that special someone? Well, no need to rack your brains a lot. Definitely we know that you love your beloved beyond worldly pleasures and you always want to see her happy, isna€™t it? But when quality pearl earrings are in your hand, whata€™s the need to be anxious?

Pearl jewelry has been liked by women since time immemorial. They love pearls for their serene beauty and stunning richness. Keeping growing demands from customers all over, the manufacturers of pearl jewelry are trying hard to bring about newer designs and patterns. You just have to be sure what kind of pearl jewelry your beloved is interested in. Only when you present her with her choice of pearls, she will cherish it for lifetime. Just go online and try to find the type of pearl jewelry she likes. From hoards of options available, it is sure that you will be spoilt for choice.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Concept of Visual Impairment - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Visual impairment can be very disturbing, but is also relatively easy to correct and treat. There are several ways of treating visual impairment. There are glasses, surgery with laser, and contact lenses, among other methods. The contact lens is an increasingly popular way of treating sight problems, and there are many reasons for this. Contact lenses are cheap, they are easy to handle and they have many fields of use. For example, lenses can be worn only during certain activities, for example when running or horseback riding, since they are so easy to put in and take out.

Today's lenses can correct the vast majority of all sight problems, and they can be worn by almost everyone. Depending on your budget and if you are prepared to care for and clean your lenses on a regular basis, you can choose between certain types of lenses. Some lenses don't require any maintenance, as you replace them every morning, while some lenses have to be put in saline solution every night. To buy contact lenses, simply type in a€?contact lensesa€? in the search field of any search engine, and make a quick contact lens price comparison! You're bound to find a lens you will like.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leukemia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatmen - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Leukemia a€“ Treatment for Curing it Fast and Effectively

Leukemia is a cancer of white blood cells. Normally the number of white blood cells that are produced equals the number that die off as part of the natural process of cell turnover in the body. This keeps the total number of white blood cells constant. In leukemia, white blood cells often multiply at an increased rate. It is also significant that the cancerous cells tend to live longer than normal white blood cells. Thus the number of abnormal cells increases, either gradually or rapidly, and this causes an over accumulation of leukemic cells throughout the body. These cells often interfere with the functions of various organs. And, because the cells are abnormal, they do not cope effectively with infectious agents that the normal white blood cells help to eliminate from the body.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sinus Infection - Cause Symptoms and Treatment - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What do doctors call this condition?


What is this condition?

Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses - the four pairs of air pockets that drain into the nose. Sinus infection may be acute, subacute, chronic, allergic, or hyperplastic. In this last, the number of sinus cells is abnormally increased.

What causes it?

Sinus infection usually is caused by viral or bacterial infection. Acute sinus infection is primarily caused by the common cold; it lingers in the subacute form in only about 10% of cases. Chronic sinus infection follows persistent bacterial infection.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Volvulus - Symptoms and Surgerry - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this condition?

Volvulus is a 180-degree or more twist of the intestine. The twist pinches blood vessels and cuts off the blood supply to that section of the bowel.

What causes it?

The twist may be caused by an unusual curve in the intestine, something swallowed, or an adhesion. In some cases, however, the cause is unknown. The most common site, especially in adults, is the S-shaped section of the intestine before it reaches the rectum. In children, volvulus usually occurs in the small bowel.

What are its symptoms?

The person has vomiting and rapid, marked abdominal distention following the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. Without immediate treatment, volvulus can lead to strangulation of the twisted bowel loop, loss of blood supply, deterioration, perforation, and fatal peritonitis when the bowel material infects the abdominal cavity.

Aplastic or Hypoplastic Anemias a€“ Remedies for the Treatment of Disease - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What are these Conditions?

Aplastic or hypoplastic anemias result from injury or destruction of stem cells, which are located in the bone marrow and function to produce new blood cells. These anemias impair production of all blood cell types (pancytopenia) or retard bone marrow development (bone marrow hypoplasia) and generally progress to fatal bleeding or infection.

What Causes them?

Aplastic anemias usually develop when damaged or destroyed stem cells hinder production of red blood cells. Less commonly, they result from damaged vessels in the bone marrow. About half of these anemias result from certain drugs, poisons (such as the solvent benzene and the drug chloramphenicol), or radiation. The rest may result from immunologic factors, serious diseases (especially hepatitis), or bone marrow cancers.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Treatment Options for Treatment of the Disease - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, a low platelet count that results from platelet destruction by the immune system, may be acute or chronic. The acute form usually affects children between ages 2 and 6; the chronic form mainly affects adults under age 50, especially women between ages 20 and 40.

The prognosis for the acute form is excellent; nearly 4 out of 5 people recover without treatment. The prognosis for the chronic form is good; remissions lasting weeks or years are common, especially among women.

What Causes it?

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura may be an autoimmune disorder, because antibodies that reduce the life span of platelets have been found in nearly all persons with this disorder. The acute form usually follows a viral infection, such as German measles or chicken pox, and can follow immunization with a live virus vaccine. The chronic form is often linked to immune disorders such as lupus. It's also linked to drug reactions.

Lung Cancer - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Cure - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Lung cancer usually develops within the wall or lining of the bronchial tree, the system of branching air passages within the lungs. Some people have survived for 5 years or more with diagnosed lung cancer; however, the general prognosis is poor. Although it is largely preventable, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in men and is fast becoming the most common cause in women.

What Causes it?

Medical experts agree that lung cancer is caused by inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants. Pollutants in tobacco smoke cause progressive damage to lung cells.

Who is most susceptible to lung cancer? Any smoker over age 40, especially if he or she began to smoke before age 15, has smoked a whole pack or more per day for 20 years, or works with or near asbestos.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Treatment Options Available for Curing Breast Cancer Fast - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Although it may develop any time after puberty, it most often arises after age 50. It occurs in men, but rarely.

The survival rate has improved because of earlier diagnosis and the variety of treatments now available. Bur the death rate hasn't changed in the past 50 years. Breast cancer is the number two killer (after lung cancer) of women ages 35 to 54.

Breast cancer occurs more often in the left breast than the right, and more often in the upper outer quadrant (the upper part of the breast closest to the arm). A woman may not be able to feel a slowA­growing breast tumor by touch for up to 8 years, until it has a 3/8-inch (1-centimeter) diameter.

Treatment With Antibiotics in Tonsillitis - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils. It can be acute or chronic. The uncomplicated acute form usually lasts 4 to 6 days and commonly affects children between ages 5 and 10. The presence of proven chronic tonsillitis justifies surgical removal (tonsillectomy), the only effective treatment. Tonsils tend to grow during childhood and shrink after puberry.

What Causes it?

Tonsillitis usually is caused by infection with bacteria known as group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. It may result from other bacteria or viruses or from oral anaerobes.

What are its Symptoms?

Acute tonsillitis commonly begins with a mild to severe sore throat. A very young child, unable to complain about a sore throat, may stop eating. Tonsillitis may also produce difficulty swallowing, fever, swelling and tenderness of the lymph glands in the submandibular area, muscle and joint pain, chills, malaise, headache, and pain (frequently felt in the ears). Excess secretions may cause the child to complain of a constant urge to swallow; the back of the throat may feel constricted. Such discomfort usually subsides after 72 hours.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Uveitis - Know the causes and Treatment - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this condition?

Uveitis is an inflammation of one uveal tract of the eye. (The uveal tract consists of the iris, choroid, and related tissue structures.) The disorder occurs as anterior uveitis, which affects the iris (iritis) or both the iris and the ciliary body (iridocyclitis); as posterior uveitis, which affects the choroid (choroiditis) or both the choroid and the retina (chorioretinitis); or as panuveitis, which affects the entire uveal tract.

Untreated anterior uveitis progresses to posterior uveitis, causing scarring, cataracts, and glaucoma. With immediate treatment, anterior uveitis usually subsides after a few days to several weeks; however, recurrence is likely. Posterior uveitis generally causes some residual vision loss and markedly blurred vision.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Movie popcorn has fat of 12 hamburgers

DISH: Medium bag of popcorn with butter topping
RESTAURANT: Concessions at Cineplex Odeon Queensway Cinemas
LOCATION: 1025 The Queensway, Etobicoke
PRICE: $5.79 for the popcorn; $0.79 for the butter topping
Serving size: 217 grams
Calories: 1,319
Fat: 97 grams
Sodium: 651 mg
Protein: 15 grams
Carbohydrates: 96 grams
Let's cut straight to the facts: A medium-sized bag of popcorn with butter could get you up to 97 grams of fat, depending on how liberally the topping is applied.
That's more than what most men should consume in a day, and is between 130 and 200 per cent of the average woman's daily allotment.
Cineplex Odeon disputes the 97-gram tally. Nutrition sites estimate a medium bag of popcorn without butter rings in at 60 grams of fat. Adding butter (especially without tracking the amount) sends the snack into the stratosphere.
For some people, 97 grams is almost two days worth of fat — in a snack.
I almost fell off my chair,” says registered dietitian Shannon Crocker, who provided comparisons to underscore just how much fat movie goers could consume while munching handfuls of popcorn.
That amount of fat is the same as what's found in 12 hamburgers from McDonalds. Or in 10 slices of sausage mushroom melt pizza from Pizza Pizza. Or in five large hot fudge sundaes from Dairy Queen.
Cineplex Entertainment, which runs the Queensway Cinemas from which we purchased this bag of popcorn, is the largest movie theatre chain in the country with 132 theatres and 1,366 screens that entertain more than 70 million people a year. In 2010, Cineplex sold 7 million pounds (kernel weight) of popcorn.
Cineplex should get some nutrition kudos for switching its popping oil from coconut oil, traditionally used by movie theatres to pop kernels, to a proprietary popping oil called Vegetol. The company says this blend, launched in 2007 and which includes canola oil and artificial butter flavour, is lower in calories, fat, saturated fat and trans fat than coconut oil.
Regardless,” says Crocker, “97 grams is still way too much fat even if it's a heart-healthier kind.
The 1,319 calories — half a day's worth for most people — is doubly offensive since one cup of plain air-popped popcorn only contains about 33 calories. People who make air-popped popcorn at home would have to eat 40 cups to equal the 1,319 calories found in this blue paper bag.
I recommend popcorn, just not movie popcorn,” says Crocker, adding air-popped popcorn is a good-for-you snack because it is a whole grain that provides a hit of fibre.
The high calories are due to the popping oil and the butter topping (Cineplex offers Lactantia clarified butter and Becel popcorn topping; we chose the real butter to test).
At 651 mg, the sodium is the least worrisome of the big three nutrition numbers. Though at about half of what the body needs in a day, 651 mg is not completely innocuous.
According to Cineplex, movie goers can get nutrition information for concession foods by asking the Guests Services team.
Few things will make movie popcorn healthy. But Crocker says there are some ways to make it a better option: Choose the smallest size. Skip the buttery topping to save between 200 and 300 calories. Steer clear of the salt shakers to avoid added sodium. Split the small size with a friend. And order water, not pop.
A medium-size soda at the movies can run about 300 calories. You don't want to do any more damage.
DISH: Nachos with cheese sauce
RESTAURANT: Concessions at Cineplex Odeon Queensway Cinemas
LOCATION: 1025 The Queensway, Etobicoke
PRICE: $5.99
Compared to the bag of popcorn, the tray of nachos with two dipping pots of cheese sauce is a calorie lightweight.
But with 485 calories, 25 grams of fat and 715 mg of sodium, it's still not a healthy choice.
It's just not as high in calories and fat as the popcorn,” Crocker says.
The 500 calories is more than double what the average person should aim for in a snack. The 25 grams of fat is between one third and one half of what a woman should consume in a day. And the 715 mg of sodium is about half of the recommended daily allotment.
If you are a nacho lover, it's probably best to split this tray, says Crocker. There's not a lot of nutrition here, mostly just empty calories with fat and salt.
It's not the same as sprinkling cheddar cheese and chopped veggies on your nachos at home.